Spiralic Immersion in Periodic Freedom

The access to a Transparent opening to allowing us to feel free from the mind’s compulsive attempt to control and categorize one’s existence and to stay in a repetitive, habitual unconscious circle of un-inspected behavior is alive as our Real Nature.  This transparent access is a way to open ourselves to the neuroplasticity that is being used and is available to almost anyone in that limits that have been maintained can be immersed in the light of our unconditional condition of periodic freedom beyond conditional life experience so we may be set free from the unconscious limits we have placed upon ourselves.

So, letting go on a continual basis of what is arising in each moment in that the constant mind shuffling and reshuffling of the past dominates most of our seemingly conscious life and this disposition can keep one in a very narrow band width access.

I know this may seem like an impossible discipline, but my experience with it has shown that this seems to clear much of the habitual mindstuff that has almost an addictive quality because most of us are honed in on what we are involved in in our existence and we can tend to never take a quality break which may involve different ways to let go of what we have always tended to think and do.

I am not suggesting you are trying to stop your thinking, only to be able to become aware that you may be so habitually oriented in that activity that you can become incapable of seeing beyond it, by being able to see through it and have this discovery open you to the unconditional condition of free attention and awareness which can’t be seen or observed, it is a next level awakening of our energetic consciousness, which is our baseline of our inherent nature.

At this point it could seem like a revolutionary experience, even though what is happening is nature is expressing itself in its true free form that neuroplasticity is just an expression of it bringing us into a conformity of non conformity in that the prior fixed energy of thought is immersed in a clear clarity of a non stained glass ceiling that is the portal to our Source condition that we allowed to recede as we entered this realm of vibration to explore this realm of existence and discovery.  

We were never supposed to lose the upper level connection but through the “shock of birth” we seemed encased in this energetic mass of the finite and the over sensory blast of this unknown environment we had to allow this profound solidity which we didn’t understand since our True Nature is one with Light Infinity.

As the layers of distractive duality are released as an energetic revealing that the seeming known has now been immersed in the transparent radiance of the ever present Presence of the Resonance that is the All in All that is constantly going through the creation, organizing and destructive cycles that open us to the miracle that we may not understand mentally, but through opening ourselves to periodic immersion we can start to live as the Flow that brought us here initially and awaken beyond our conceptual cave of darkness.

As the Universe is a continuous Spiral going into multitudinous directions, so in reaching this apex of letting go of anything that is obstructing this realization we come to the Universal that is the simplicity in that the mind has been brought into this awakened state that its function is no longer to separate existence but to realize that there is a surrender to the prior Primordial Condition that in all reality was its source and that this Immersion in the Periodic Freedom is the Spiralic revealing the Infinite and that the Spirals are at last our doorway to the Spirit’s domain.

This allows us to trust the greater cycles of traversing the Spiralic so we may no longer be tied to the cross of existence but to live in this Universe in the Now and not get lost in the lower vibrational frequency that has been a divisive narrative of this world of density and form.

Sincerely, Will Gable


Posted by on February 10th, 2023 No Comments

Be the Lighthouse Beacon of Peace

From the Universal Isness and the Lighthouse of Peace that is your True Nature that is now shimmering through the world, let this permeate your life and existence, not the wandering narrative that the world can try to sell you as to What IS.  Once you allow yourself to let go of the worldly wiring that is so technologically distracting, you can take a step back so to speak into the beyond which is always already the case, you may not have opened your self because you were too mentally distracted by numberless narratives, beliefs and dogmas that can hold your Attention for brief or prolonged time frames.

One of the base level arenas that needs to be promulgated is the linear and the vertical worlds that unless one at least begins to explore, we can stay in the world and be of it, but not know it when we are caught in the matrix and its echo chamber that seems to resound in our mind’s pre-occupancy with our remembered past and our imaginative future.  This can put us out of sync with what is present that we are ignoring because of the mind’s wandering through its echo chamber that is bouncing us around in what seems to be our realm of assumed reality based in our subjective projection about what we think is real.

Subjective projection can be perpetual in that one can be unconscious that they are totally thinking that what they are defining about anything is real.  Words, definitions and the mind’s meaning making machine is in constant motion whether one is aware of it or not and unless we start to become aware that this is our involvement no matter what you think you are conveying you won’t come to the realization that this is your creation in your mind’s echo chamber that keeps reverberating mostly from your past and is in no relationship to your present existence.

I have alluded to this in previous essays but unless one settles down to the crossroads of the linear and the vertical which is the zero point of consciousness it can be difficult to allow even any subtlety into their life so that one’s inner activity becomes much more accessible and there is a breakthrough of the Light of Awareness that starts to shine like a Lighthouse from which the psycho physical is but an emanation.

Once one is at this realization, again Transparency is now seeing through what was once something that seemed so obsessively distractive because one thought it was so real when it was an energetic blockage that could only be understood by the Light shining through it and not us spending our life crashing up against it and not letting it go and die on its on, it never was who or what we are.  We may or may not have learned important lessons from our involvement but we sure don’t need to sacrifice our whole existence to the temple of illusions.

We tend to hold on to these arenas emotionally, depression, shame, abuse just to name a few, and I am not saying they can’t have a strong hold on someone, but if we can gradually let go of whatever the stranglehold is and see that because we as spiritual humans have the capacity of neuroplasticity which is the ability that we use basically when we learn something new and if seeing that this can be applied to these issues that seem more complicated which they can be, that we can change through allowing the Transparency to come to the forefront to see for the most part they are energy fixations that can lock down our existence so that your Light nature of Innocence can’t shine through from the Clarity of Reality.

As was mentioned earlier, the echo chamber of our stories can keep us in the story line of our past and keep the repetition of doing the same thing over and over each day as our focus, nothing right or wrong in that, but, staying in that circle can become redundant and wear us down into that patterning only.

This is where we need to re-cognize and step beyond what seems so habitually alluring in that it becomes very comfortable.  I am not saying we have to become something extremely different, only that the Awareness that we can change if we want to, not having to stay in a condition that drains us of our life force.

When we come to the crossroads of the vertical and linear and can come to realize that we have come to a more clear, Transparent balance within ourselves we can open ourselves to let go and explore what it is that we have held onto for far too long to allow a penetration of insight into what we may have built our self image ID on and now we have the freedom to expand within.

This expansion is now a vibrational immersion into the beginnings of Peace, no longer in conflict with your energy frequency, seeing that you are an expression of life’s inherent love of Being as Flow and not as a constricted script which you probably didn’t have much conscious involvement in its creation.  We all go through this realization if we are deeply investigating what is Truth for us and consistently let go and allow our True Nature lead us back to the openended Beacon of revealing our path of being home.

Sincerely, Will Gable

Posted by on December 9th, 2022 No Comments

Spiritual Realignment with Universal Isness

The transparency that becomes apparent when one can see through their obsessions with conditional existence reveals the tendency to think your life conditioning is your only life track and possibly the number of people who never consider any change in this script which they created is a mind numbing involvement in redundant habit.

For some behavioral trance the human mind is highly resistant to change, which has been shown to increase stress and disease.  Considering that we need to more deeply entrench in our ego mind to actually function here we never see any value in becoming more aware of what is actually going on within us and if there is any way to  see our existence from a more vast perspective.

Once we experience an alternative opening to our daily routines we can start to let go of the embedded conditional energies that seem so familiar we can delight in what freedom may actually mean and that it is at access if we can keep from closing the door to the Universal Isness portal.   This is where the unborn or more innocent light of our nature is being revealed which has been shadowed by this world of distraction in the darkness of form.

To begin to see through this cloak of illusion is liberating as we start to spiritually align with our True Home of the Universal Absolute that has no form but encompasses All in its loving embrace of silent support from the Heart of the Divine Truth.  Since this is not an object the human mind brain hasn’t been able to decipher what is upholding our existence because of its entrancement with one narrow bandwidth in the light spectrum.  The real observation is where did the spectrum come from?  

In making this gesture of inquiry we can only succumb to the Infinite Unknown that we have been existing in and with as has the whole of expressed life in whatever form it is appearing as in each moment.  This returns us to a fundamental realignment of our Inherent Innocence of our True Nature which doesn’t have a lock down on anything in particular but has always been vastly open to whatever IS which is undefinable and be seen as an expression of spontaneous life creation and that same creative, spontaneous out picturing seems to inspire the intrinsic fabric of Nature.

The Freedom we seem to be seeking in whatever endeavor is the unlocking and transcendence of this lock down of the finite ego mind and its seeking, wandering in a sensory disposition that is holding Attention in its grip and is unresolved that it has solutions or answers to being here and has unrelenting resistance to lovingly let go into the Infinite Universal Isness that seems to always show up as what we would call miracles because in a much greater allowing they are always in verse with the Harmony of the Universe and not the language of the finite interpretation that words, definitions and meaning seem to want to relegate such events.

This is why we need to Free our Attention, Awareness and Consciousness from the wiring of this world to see that we have always been breathing from Divine Nature which is not so common of an understanding because it has been obscured by an alignment with this trance and not the Peace of Not Knowing and yet finding solace in that Understanding that that is the only way we can stop searching and drop the quest for the worldly knowledge which is one of the main distractions from this Realization.

Realized Isness is an overwhelming Beauty because we are Free in our Pure Attention that the Present is the exit to the torment of the mind and its wandering limitations in its searching, seeking in not opening to the Truth of Existence and let go into the Beyond which has no definitions or descriptions yet can be Realized which is what the mind seems to not see or value.

It seems that the human mind tends to think when it comes to a point of what it thinks is the ultimate knowledge that that is as far as it will go.  Once we can step into the realm of realization, the search for knowledge in this world seems to stop, information is good in its practical sense and application but this is not the same as a continuous realization coming from a completely different source.  We are tapped into a realm of vibration and frequency that is coming from a well of inspiration, wisdom energy that is not learned in the academic sense.

The ability to listen from the intuitive silence of Universal Isness allows us open ourselves to a spontaneous inflow of transparent clarity that sees through what is only surface level living and pulls away the veil of this habitual distraction of the supposed importance of the everyday existence to realign us with the Infinite and its language of Understanding, not acquired from the external, but received through the portal that has no closing.

Sincerely, Will Gable

Posted by on November 14th, 2022 No Comments


Once you have entered into personal investigation, opened yourself to self discovery through the process of allowing yourself to be realigned with Universal Principles, you can’t come here and do what you want to do.  The ego has its own world of values, purposes and payoff.  Through the practice of Principle we can move to the next level of allowing the moment to reveal what is.  This may not seem like much if you are expecting some spectacular experience, this is a base level approach to being open to the moment because if you are not at that level of openness you might not allow yourself to see the subtlety of where you really are, we seem to want instant gratification constantly.

Aikido is a deprogrammer and revealer of one’s true self and nature as Innocence, Spiritual rebirth.  Principles suspend egoic activity, we can’t see them, only experience them as they flow through us as Spiritual or Flow Awareness(Heart) to truly flow with what is, not trying to do a technique, but being Presence to what is from Spirit, Now Presence.

Staying calm, open ended Awareness, inclusive pems (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual), synchronicity, let go of your attempt to control and allow Isness to appear in the moment. This allows Transitions from ego, limitations, what you came with (fear/ not curiosity.) and starts to realize simplicity without stress of contraction and complexity.  For the most part, you are that complexity and as such this can make your life here a stressed out unconscious confusion.

When you quit trying to control and make things go the way the ego wants, your true power starts to come forward at an entrance level as relaxation, but, this is only the start, from there is a constant paying attention in a simultaneous awareness and attention of the external and internal and which aspect is attempting to decipher what is happening in that moment.

You could look at this at your attempt to balance the Tao within yourself, am I over the top Yang. contracted or way too slack Yin.  Since we are attempting to become more transparent in what we are truly doing to be honest with our input and actions, this can help to simplify moving more to internalization which will be revealing what tension obstructions we have internally and how they are affecting us externally to keep us stuck and resistant.

This can be a break over place where we see the promise of allowing centering, balance, and awareness to take over our practice which can be ongoing, not just on the mat, since the world is the mat eventually.  In practice sessions practitioners are becoming aware of where they are holding tension, people hold lots of unconscious physical tension, if we don’t let go of this consistently it will remain in our nervous and energy expression.

We have found moving slowly, softly and lightly especially in the beginning allows relaxation in dynamic motion to start to reveal how deeply entrenched unconscious physical tension is online because of being caught up in the sympathetic nervous system which for the most part is your survival system.

Nothing wrong with this as most people live their whole life from this survival mode and never get past it, but, we have found that through transitioning to the parasympathetic nervous system starts to help us reveal to ourselves what we are doing in respect to tension and resistance.  The parasympathetic is aligned with the vagus nerve or the wanderer.

The Principles that we have discussed help to more naturally align us with the parasympathetic and we can find a more natural path to reversing our path from the sympathetic to parasympathetic and start to have greater access to our internal workings and this is a huge step because we now are at a balance point to know the difference of say resistance and nonresistance both internally and externally.  Also, deep breathing needs to be an upper level priority since it also help you ground in the vagus nerve and established a solid parasympathetic connection.

Once we have started to make a shift from the external to the internal via these sensitivities of energy that is on more of a subtle recognition we can start to calibrate our frequency since we are practicing our energy frequency in relation to another consciously and subtlely.   In experiencing ourselves as well as all of life as a frequency we can step into a more subtle alignment with more insight into what and who we are and how we can relate from a different dimension than just the denseness of physical existence that seems to be more on the survival agenda.

Also, shifting to a more frequency orientation opens an important door of awareness in that we are not just stuck on doing the same thing over and over which has a numbing effect on us and we don’t change and worse we don’t think we need to.  The more we can step back and see ourselves with a little more clarity we have a chance to reassess our position which allows us to relax and start to let go of things that we keep doing redundantly that don’t serve us because now we are becoming more subtle and aware, which when we become more aligned with being a free awareness, then we start to see we are more than what we thought we were.

Being able to make this shift from the external to the internal is to step into the subtle world and like I stated above to experience our lives as a frequency, or how we are vibratory energy that can now be more internally oriented as I wrote in Your Intelligence, from Insight and Intuition.  Since we are fundamentally energy, light, frequency and vibration at our most core nature this can allow us to change easier because most people are so bodily aligned they don’t let go of thoughts, emotions and feelings that are keeping them in a very dense habit of their existence.

Practicing Principle can help realign us on many levels and especially when we practice face to face with another person who is attempting to do the same thing, we are immersed in a mirror practice so we can reflect what we are doing and see with a very similar direct feedback how Principles offer us a straightener for mind body so we can use our art to make more balanced, positive, centered choices and changes that further our growth in our understanding of our existence and what it is we are doing here.   Sincerely, Will Gable



Posted by on August 29th, 2022 No Comments

Great Wave Pulsing

The Universal Great Wave of Spiritual Principle is always emerging eternally in its omnipresence as the Source Originator of the great All in All. This pulsing wave doesn’t have a beginning or end, the creator life spark principle is emerging in all worlds in its infinite form expressions.

As our connection becomes more obvious the great wave pulsation will move you without your volition, Spirit moves in its appropriate spontaneous wave without any interference from the worldly will. This is bringing us into more of the unification understanding that all is connected and through allowing this pulsation to be as it always is we come to our own internal unity with the Great Wave that is always pulsing our lives.

The creative FLOW is always available as long as we are not trying to force something to come through our intuitive self.  Spontaneity appears as a natural aspect of our being when we become subtle enough to open  ourselves to What IS, then we have transcended our usual approach, whatever that may be, and open to the Universal language of existence that is only contacted when we have let go of what we think we are experiencing to the vast array of potential that exists beyond our conceptual obsessions.

The pulsing of the Great Wave transforms our daily existence from a place of no form, this is where form is emptiness and emptiness is form, we are starting to see from a vast transparency of how we are connected with everything and everyone that has always been existent in our lives but the world of form and contraction of our energy while existing here was keeping us blinded to this realization.

As we are gradually washed away in the connectedness of this pulsing wave we start to begin to let go of constrictions and contractions that have kept our nervous system in a random locked down flux of our daily life.  Once this has become our new consistency we see that habituation and conditioning were blinders as to what we are and what we are experiencing in this Universal existence that wasn’t apparent until Great Wave pulsing intervened to reveal reality as it is.

Unlocking our resistances at various levels of our spiritual, mind and body is an ongoing process that we need to allow in our lives as one of the only ways at these base arenas to open ourselves to change and be able to reset ourselves to the world that we live in today.  The more we can loosen our hold on what we think is a permanent concept of reality, the more we can start to live as flow in our lives.  This involves being in better connection within ourselves and living in the present instead of locking down on what we are and what we think is going on in the world.  

As I have communicated in previous essays, your free, pure attention and awareness can help start to transcend your concreteness in these arenas to see they may have served their usefulness at one moment, but may be inhibiting your expression because we can certainly try to maintain our hold on the way things have always been in our habitual existence.  

The Uncertainty that we seem to experience helps us to see that our attempts at certainty that is our fixed emotional mentality that is our life conditioning is what can keep us from the awakening to the “present” that is a direct reflection from our Conscious Presence.  Realizing the present can bring forth a more “fluid Flow” from Awareness Consciousness.  Since we practice from Principles in a collective expression this allows us to let go of what the reptilian brain says is the only way to handle an unpredictable, uncertain circumstance.

True personal growth is about transcending the part of you that is not okay with uncertainty and needs protection, we need to see that you are the one inside that notices the voice that is constantly describing everything you encounter and tries to control by having it fit in with your minds modeling through concept and buffering reality as it comes in so as to somehow make you feel safe by labeling with words and meaning.   

If this process is overriding simply being present then this distraction needs to be examined further so you can see through this habitual referencing of your existence and to a less filtered reality so you can see much clearer that reality is not a concept, reality has been constantly in our face since we were born as simply freedom existence with no extenuating buffering going on.

We have started dialogue in prior essays about Transparency or recognizing that in order for us to release ourselves from the obsessiveness of living as an ego contraction mentality we need to start to let go of anything that arises that seems to have our attention.  Most of what is arising is merely the mind chattering and again is shuffling and reshuffling information and experience but is caught in a loop and the way out is through it and transcend it, let go of the loop that you think your life is because if not, you remain its prisoner. 

To get to the point of seeing through the mirror to the universal eternal that you came to awaken to while in the finite physical one of the stepping points is to let uncertainty into the iron clad hold the ego loop has on your existence. 

Certainty is what all that is based on, nothing ever awakens because the ego mind doesn’t really know anything else to do, survival, is a good thing, but not if that is your absolute mo, it has no elasticity so you can see that the transparency of letting go of what you call your past is a way of coming to the edge, so to speak, of being on the center point of that balance, the Tao, so you can start to allow the universal eternal show you that it has always been one inner penetration with your existence, another level of awareness and consciousness is now being opened to so you can let go of the world so you can start to see reality as it is and always was and will be.

Peace is your reconciliation of your resistance to what is.,   Sincerely, Will Gable

Posted by on July 13th, 2022 No Comments

The River of Transparent Reality

As we practice in our formless and open ended perspective where we are not attacking the individual from our mutual participation,  but are now floating in a river of transparency because we have allowed ourselves to accept whatever is offered as our way of neutralizing and reading the person’s total disposition so as to allow them to put themselves in a constant state of disequilibrium so we don’t have to over effort on our part because we have become one transparent nervous system.

The disequilibrium in their energetic nervous system is now turned against itself because their inner systems are out of balance and they have shifted from a conscious intent to a subconscious chaos and this tends to be depicted as tension which is easy to read since we have been very relaxed from the onset of the energy input on their part.

In allowing our disposition to be further internalized through our inquiry as to how we are relating to their world of tension and chaos we are being informed from the inside, the internal, as we discussed in the last essay so we are able to lighten up and let go further into our internal understanding.  This is a big part of our growth in listening or being aware and living from awareness instead of trying to figure out what we are doing or should be doing with just our ego intellect which is much slower in processing than our insight and intuition.

Now, we have shifted to a more inclusive interpretation of the balance of energies we are experiencing and are starting to maintain our own internal equilibrium no matter what experience seems to be in front of us which is based in our Equanimity.  This opens up a level of fluid transparency so we can see the impermanence that the flow of experience is attempting to reveal to us with a comparison we will say of the solid fixity that most of us live our lives from in trying to control everything in our existence.

We are allowing ourselves to be more than a fixed idea of conditioning that we may have never examined but now we are questioning whether our assumed definition of ourselves is really who we are.  We have discussed this in previous writings here, but coming to a point of free attention beyond the way “things have always been” we can now learn from and flow more into the Unknown,  which is accessible only when we can listen to our inner knower which isn’t locked down to anything, just your Free Spirit which is a lighthouse of open ended attention, and has levels of subtle discernment that isn’t available from the conditioned mind.

The more we step into Unknown, the more we can access the flow of the Eternal, we have taken our practice and discipline of Principle to where we have trusted Principle to function alongside our inner knower in the sense that Principle has allowed us to transcend many levels of our contractions and fixity in awareness and consciousness and see that as only something we unconsciously depended on from our conditioned life.  

This one intensity of life force transparency that now reveals what is not so stable and fixed opens us to the fire of consciousness that when touched can burn up all our seeming obstructions that we have held onto in the form of memories, experiences that seem so clinging and obscure our ability to see our existence from Clarity to further trust the Unknown which is where everything is flowing from anyway.

As we allow Transparency to become our connection with Freedom and Clarity we continually keep the mirror of consciousness clear in each moment of existence.  If any form or thought comes into mind it is immediately seen through and let go.   This approach may take a while to come to fruition, our attention must be kept clear in any moment so that this method will culminate into how we are living our daily existence, staying aware of what is “distracting” our attention from staying in Conscious Presence in Consciousness which is the ground of being simply present no matter what seems to be arising externally or internally, Let it go!

Not attached and allowing the transparency to reveal and penetrate what seems to be so real only to have it dissipate in light energy which is its source to keep your mirror clean and unobstructed with habit and fixity “about existence.” The mirror metaphor is only that, it is not a thing, useful, but only to help you establish the break over where you become more open to the Unknown and helps to establish your Presence in Consciousness as your Free Spirit connection.

Because Presence is an open door to Being we now can let go of the world of distractions that the ego mind is addicted to because of its sympathetic nervous system orientation and its animal nature that keep our Attention in the world of survival and movement oriented to the senses.  The River is always flowing, to wake up to this realization brings to the point of stepping through the two way mirror of the transparent in that we have given up our past to awaken to our True Sun Nature that the Eternal is always emanating.

Sincerely, Will Gable


Posted by on May 11th, 2022 No Comments


As a training foundation for understanding where a person is in their understanding I have used these three (external/internal/eternal) practical ideas for many years in my assessment of not only where the practitioners are on the mat, I have applied them to my daily existence when I am interacting with the societal environment in general.  I want to make it clear that I am not locked into these parameters, but they can specifically help with the feedback about the person or person’s I am encountering.

This approach has evolved out of my involvement in martial arts, yoga and meditation which have synergistically brought together many of their principles into an inner active format to assess where a person is in their training and be able to help them keep up with themselves as they cultivate a greater understanding of not only their art practice, but more importantly a greater connection with their inner growth of expansion and transcendence of the external.

There is nothing inherently wrong with the external, we all have learned many lessons on how to live here which is mainly based on how to survive better, our parents input, schools, how to relate to others, and our profession which provides us with financial confidence as a medium of exchange with the societal marketplace at large. 

I see that the majority of individuals live from this level and most can live from this level their whole life.  My view of this is that this is a tendency to live from the sympathetic nervous system in a predominant expression which typically is based on unconscious conditioning that seems to form itself in an ego minded personality which may never be questioned or changed.

Our art of Aikido which is based on Principles helps the individual to see where they are in a self reflective way as to reveal to them through practicing these Principles and kata with another individual what they are up to in a resistance, force orientation and how they are living this condition in their daily lives. 

I have had many practitioners say after months of practice how much they can see about themselves in respect to trying to do things with so much effort and force they had bypassed a lot of their efficiency because of the way they had “always done it.”  This is ego driven habitual familiarity that is not for most ever examined as to what one is up to and whether or not to continue it.

Since most of this external expression is done from a habitual, assumed life in motion, in order for a person to change there needs to be a reset of the nervous system which can be herculean endeavor for most because to  experience change is what most avoid.  Since in order to change we can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expects different results, we need to we will say “distract ourselves” by doing something different so we can possibly bring about change internally. 

This can be a challenge, but through practicing Principles in relation to another individual there seems to be a breakdown of resistance because through this intimate relationship we foster greater understanding of one another’s intention through a greater Awareness through non resistance.

As an individual fundamentally allows themselves to relax, they are allowing a different input into their life, many do not know how much unconscious physical tension they hold.  Again, this is a combination of their life conditioning, inherent genetics, and for pretty much most of us how nature has given this superior survival brain and physiology.  In order for us to move beyond these powers we need to set them aside for awhile so we can experience ourselves from a more conscious, aware place that is practiced much slower than what we are usually living.

As we move from the sympathetic nervous system which is the basis of the fight/flight mechanism as part of the limbic and reptilian brain and how nature has endowed us with an amazing survival default defense instinct, then we can start to see and understand that this system is based in an automaticity expression which most of us are not conscious of.  To allow this system to be investigated consciously through becoming more relaxed and open, we can access alternate systems that may have been dormant or not functioning the way they should in our life up to now.

One of main ones is the parasympathetic nervous system and mainly the vagus nerve which is considered the wanderer throughout the body organs which controls relaxation, calmness or the opposite of an over hyped adrenaline cortisol laden sympathetic input.  One of the reasons for mentioning this is if we don’t bring these systems into balance we may not be able to cross over into our internal communications more effectively, because as long as we are out of balance especially in the sympathetic, we can remain focused on the external and not realize we are over immersed in it.

In coming to a more awake understanding of our actions, we start to have a more internal agreement with the functions within that we take for granted.  Finding out how uptight we may be on the external we can start to loosen up and start to gradually loosen these tensions consciously so as to start our internal investigation of our inner knower.  Like I mentioned earlier we may have had brief glimpses, intuitions, and insights that are there but through our concentration on only the external they never seem to reveal where they are coming from and as such we don’t stay as connected  as we could because of obvious external and internal distractions.

The inner knower is not a thing, but a connection to Universal Spirit that needs to become more of the relied upon source of being communicated to us in a more consistent manner.  At a practical level this would be the practice of opening our fascia so that our energies that have been stagnant for so long start to move through our whole body mind being more efficiently, this facilitates a step over into our internal from the external enamoring of unconsciousness and habit.

Most of us need an alternative modality to step out of our ego mind mode and The Arts of Aikido,  Tai Chi, Yoga  and meditation can help us to open ourselves to the internal where we can slow every thing down to the present.  The present is an aspect of the Conscious Presence that allows our inner knower to come forth so we may begin our transition to a greater understanding internally. 

If the external is dominant we can’t hear anything on the internal that could be speaking through Silence Stillness which is the still point of the listening inner knower.  These Arts help the body mind come to internal communication convergence in a natural way because we can finally hear from the inside and see the external as a default so as to be able to bring about a comparison like the Tao internally.  This gives us insight into where we are in the understanding of the frequencies of power vs force which are step downs of yin/yang. 

Upon starting to realize that we have an inner knower that has connection with the vaster territory of our whole energetic understanding we may begin to listen more subtly internally, Silence Stillness will convene and we start to see how much we have been mostly hypnotized by the external and upon this re connection and a more constant recognition things that seemed compelling before now start to shut down because they were mainly a dependency on what we considered reality.  

This recognition is an important gesture in that if it is continuous we start to see through our structure of what we have created on a conditioned life based in the unconscious, this is a beginning of what I would term transparency.  This is like a two way mirror in that you can see where you have been and now since you are becoming more aware and present you move more into the unknown which can produce apprehension because it is a place that you may have not visited very often.  

Conscious Presence is the open eyed transparency of Clarity of Spirit that is the Universal hinge so to speak of living from your Spiritual connection with Source. Spirit seeing with clearer vision instead of ego/mind distortions of the Freedom of Existence as it is, not through the filters of the distractions that animal ego notices as being so important that it focuses all ones attention and intention on to mostly the survival agendas that the senses tend to shut out anything else that could possibly open one to their intuitive, open Spirit connection.

The Unknown can be aligned with the Eternal in the sense that life has become recognized from a non structured perspective in contrast to living only as a body mind ego personality.  The basis for the Unknown Eternal is moving more into a Universal openendedness that has become more alive as we learn to let go of what we thought was so Real. 

Again, as transparency frees us consistently from a clear consciousness we don’t default back to patterns that seemed so solid and dependable to open ourselves to reality as it is and so we are no longer deluded into creating further energetic obstructions because in the end we see our new beginning from a fresh reset in the Eternal which is where we were all along. 

Since we can now experience our existence from the other side of the mirror I mentioned earlier we can look both ways from the perspective of our inner knower which is our me from the me of understanding which is not attached to things as they arise in consciousness and we are more in tune with allowing things to be as they are without thinking any of it is Real.  We can participate in the world but see that it is no longer that compelling because we see through it from Source and not from the point of view of survival only, Truth is always already the case, we just haven’t been in connection from our inner knower, our me of understanding.

This is not a rejection of the manifest world but a further fulfillment of being here and understanding that this realization accepts and yet transcends and includes all of it from the awakening of the impermanence in that it changes constantly so we need to see how we are keeping our mirror clear in our moment to moment existence.

In this consistent gesture of staying present and aware, we can start to listen in more succinctly as to what is emerging internally at the moment and whether or not it coincides with the spontaneous flow that is a possibility that is congruent with one’s expressive action in conscious choice.  Transparency has emerged as a realization of our true nature that reveals understanding as our essence from which we can now see our Existence from a whole, more vast, open ended, creative field of possibilities that emerges spontaneously from the Eternal.

Sincerely, Will Gable





Posted by on February 1st, 2022 No Comments

Your Intelligence from Insight, Intuition Energy

As we open ourselves to the formlessness and openendedness of our Spiritual Intuition, we are transcending our ego mind intellect as our modus operandi and how we have been approaching our life experience and existence.  This allows us to step out of our survival reptilian brain hardware and start to live our life from our source energy which starts opening us to living more intuitively spontaneous instead of always trying to access our memory all the time which is pretty much based on the past and not on the present or our pure intelligence.

One of the main reasons for the shift is that we have for so long only relied on the information of the past which is not really accessing the present in a more intuitive alive manner.  This requires a rewiring in the nervous system which isn’t caught up in mainly the reactive and most of the time over reactive behavior which is more based in the unconscious because it isn’t present and or living from the Conscious Presence.  The mind cannot access the present, it only deals with the past, one of the only ways to start living in the present is to start to let go of whatever arises that seems to be taking over our Free Pure Attention.

This letting go approach starts to clean out the memory banks that are obstructing your attention from seeing with Clarity.  The mind tends to go through its shuffling and re shuffling information about the past that it thinks is necessary for the mind and intellect to apply from the past banks of information.  You may catch yourself viewing information about something you may not have thought about for decades, it is like a bit in a computer and I am not saying we are computers, but the mind can be held in abeyance so you can start to be free of its redundant function by not giving it your energy and attention.

The mind is online and can keep your attention and energy tied up in its constant onslaught of distraction in thinking that whatever it brings into view, so to speak, is important even though what has come into your mind may just be the mind in its constant rehash of the past.  When we do something else, in this case, say we are involved in meditation, aikido, among other choices, to do something that is based in something the mind has never been involved in, this allows us to start the process of the reset of our energy that is not something we are habituated to.

I have discussed this in some of the essays on this site, Principle transcends ego, silence stillness, which have pointed to not allowing your mind to be the focus of your whole existence.  Since we need to have ourselves be distracted by what we are habitually attracted to, we can open ourselves to a greater consideration of how we see ourselves and our existence through reflecting on what we seem to be obsessively involved in each moment.

We have now distracted the seeming trance that we were involved with in our habituated life so we can step beyond this involvement that is our life and let go of it long enough to break free of our attachment to it.  This  can take many years, and yet we can’t transcend the mind with the mind, another process needs to come into play, we need to allow Awareness to be how we see so as to acknowledge we can now start to see what we are and have been doing up to this point.

This is a very important place because we are now opening ourselves to be more a consciously presence intelligence that approaches their life from a newly acquired insightful intuition as our guiding principle instead of past conditioning, memory and the ego intellect.  As this becomes more prevalent in a spontaneous energy approach we notice more of a flow to our existence instead of the linear, partitioned mentality that seemed to be so real.

If we can see that what we have been doing is based in a separation approach then we can possibly see that we are more Awareness than just mental, this takes some time to open ourselves to this different way of living our life.  Trust becomes more into play, not just relying on the sea of information that we see on a daily basis.  As Awareness becomes a living aspect of our life we notice new insight which can spawn a greater intuitive Clarity consistently.

This consistency leads us to coming into contact with a new level of intelligence that has always been with us but has been blocked by the ego intellect in its dominance of acquiring new information from the outside which has its basis in insecurity and safety, nothing necessarily right or wrong with this function, but it has smothered other levels of consciousness in that those aspects of existence were given somewhat the only priorities that mattered.

As we start to exist more as a Conscious Presence we are now accessing the stillness of the our Spiritual side, not being caught up in the world, knowing that we have always had this connection but it seemed to only come into play at random or inspired moments that may have been hard to hold onto.  In realizing this we become aware that the seeming world is transparent as we become more awake to the truth of our existence.  This transparency reveals our true condition, again, one of innocence, but more so we are seeing ourselves as a clear mirror that sees through the supposed solidity of the life condition and frees us in its Isness/Oneness as Peace, resolving many levels of conflict that seemed so real.

Once we allow ourselves to let go of the myriad realms of forms, what distracts us, no matter what it is, emotions, thoughts, the outer world so that we can see that when we let go of whatever is arising in the moment, we can see through it and be free of it because it has been some image that is floating around in the brain/mind and now is being exposed to consciousness/awareness and is burned up by letting it go because it was never real in the first place, only a perception that emerged as a feeling, emotion or thought.

Perceptions are just that, a seeming real event which in most situations is just more of the same of the mind as it organizes and reorganizes these concepts in its rudimentary, base function of keeping the perception as information in its place. People tend to think their perceptions are reality when they are just part of the passing phenomenon whether external or internal.

Although, we tend to think what we remember about any experience as being the way it really happened even though that probably was just a perception based on how we recorded it, could have been totally distorted because of us wanting to see it through our own filters of emotion and thought.

This is why a lot of what distracts us needs to be seen for what it is and let go, it allows our awareness and consciousness to experience more freedom, creativity and cleans out what is mainly, unreality for us as individuals.  I know this can be unacceptable to people, but the habitual familiarity of one’s life conditioning and its addictive quality as all we can base our existence keeps most of us in its clutches because its hard for us to be free of something we don’t see ourselves doing.

We can look at it as how we can become concretized in feeling, emotion and thought and never consider letting go of some or all aspects of an experiential perception about something we are totally convinced is true or not true about ourselves.  Most of it is a story we assumed was real and this is how it happened and this is the way we are based on that story.

Seeing through whatever story seems to be predominant from the viewpoint of insight and intuition can help you to clean up your pathway to have a more functional core intelligence, not intellectual, because a lot of the perceptual obstructions are being undermined and cleared so you are not being weighted down with unconscious assumptions about what happened which for most determines who they are and their reality. 

Sincerely, Will Gable


Posted by on December 17th, 2021 No Comments


As we  practice  our art of Aikido, we are either staying in the mode of practicing what is traditionally offered or we are moving beyond this to find what the art truly has to offer now that we see our real relationship with the pillars of the art, the square, circle and triangle if we are to move on with our openness and experimentation, with these foundation principles.

We need to see they are based on the linear, not the spiralic, which is the vertical connection that is the evolutionary connection with the spirit.  If we can loosen our attachment to these powers that be, we are able to see insights into other, subtle applications  that can lead us on the path of evolution and awakening to potentials lying await within our practice.

Practicing from the edge of knowing into not knowing is one of the only ways I have been able to keep the art openended and alive.  I have mentioned this in prior essays but in order for us to keep our zero point of spontaneity and creativity for aikido we need to have stepped off into a “hole in the universe” and feel willing to practice and live from a Principled existence without, again, having to label it all the time,  to open to the inclusive total process in each moment without trying to do anything to make something happen, only to move and flow with ‘what is ” and allow the outcome to be “as it is”.

In my practice of this approach, one has to understand that you can be thrown from moment to moment in staying “honestly” open to the immediate interaction.  This keeps it fresh and alive as most demonstrations are in the tori uke  kata format and are depicted mainly from a linear perspective.   Our randori benefits immensely in that control issues are brought to the surface which are reflections of ego minds attempt to survive in its framework of its limitations to hopefully start to  be understood and allowed to dissipate or slowly be consciously seen for what it is “trying to do”, most of these are unconscious energy complexes that one has been conditioned to live from and the person does not even know they exist.

Loosening these random walls of resistance can allow  the person to start an evolutionary approach to their aikido practice and their life and start to “trust the greater process” , what may begin may not be what they thought was going to happen when opening to the unknown or ones continuous inclusive  awakening, that transcends and includes each moment.

So, this translates not only in practice but in our everyday existence, we begin to be aware of our resistance to any circumstance, does it create a knot in your gut, does one fly off into a rage?  These are obvious indicators of a not so clear energy consciousness about whatever has supposedly triggered the reaction, even down to a button that is supposed to work in ones expectation but doesn’t.

This is where the total process of Aikido comes into play, because of the profound nature of our art which isn’t based in competition, but principles, relaxation, centering, sensitivity, just to name a few  and spiritually witnessing and observing ourselves in relation to our fellow Aikidoists and how we react or respond to them reveals us to each other as to how we are or have evolved through our involvement.

A few of our practitioners have visited other dojos of other martial arts and have left the practitioners speechless because they don’t practice from Principle, especially multiple principles applied simultaneously, which is quite profound and cannot be understood by the ego mind which is what a lot of arts are filtered through, instead of transcending the survival mechanism from the start of ones practice.

I make a point  to say to practitioners, “you can’t come here and do what you want to do”, one needs to move beyond the self that one thinks one is because that is what we are becoming aware of, at least in our practice of Aikido to let go of it once we start to understand its agenda, not study our art through its assumptive, unconscious, control grid that wants to own everything as a possession.

Through letting go of our resistances to what is arising we can at least start having a clearer understanding of how we are involved in our Aikido practice and how to make greater use of it in our life as a whole.  We create innumerable stresses by staying non responsive to issues that have arisen and we take no notice other than that is the way it has always been for oneself.

”That you are a self that is someone is the real issue”, someone who must survive, have all things their way, get everything they want or they will react out of total unconsciousness because that is how “they are” or have programmed themselves to react, only there is no awareness that this is what has happened and is called “their life’ or “their story” and they will defend it even though they don’t really know how it came to be.  This is what we encounter everyday all over the planet, agendas derived and driven from “passing on the culture, lifestyle, religion, politic, family traditions” and never question it and wonder why we stay in the sometimes disastrous situations in which we  find ourselves.

When we are free enough as consciousness awareness we can start to allow these things to arise and see that maybe before we would possibly become unhinged over something that now we may look at as absurd.  This is the power of the trance dance that most of us go through in our upbringing, accepting things the way they are and never questioning them, maybe one is frustrated by it but doesn’t know what it is.  As mentioned in the NOW PRESCENCE  we need to be aware enough to not feed the issue with reactions, we need to transcend and include the minds tendency to want to possess it and commit it, whatever it is to memory and then we live out of the memory of the past, which isn’t living  in real time or the NOW.

This is fundamentally what we are doing most of the time, relating the past through memory because the mind never lives in the present, it can’t,  if we live from the mind/survival mindset we are always living in something that has already happened.  Everything happens in micro milliseconds and ends up being tape recorded by the subconscious which is always on guard for us.  So, nature has control of us as long as we haven’t become aware that its primary agenda is for reproduction and survival, but has nothing to do with evolution and our spiritual possibilities.

This is a pivotal place where we can through our Aikido practice, supplemented with meditation or contemplation of what has or is arising, we can trace it back to where it might have seeded in the initial energy resistance to become a complexity that is held in the unconscious to potentially sprout many roots of unneeded emotional defenses, skewed thinking patterns, and energy consciousness that is unbalanced or not clear.

We may have to go through long periods of getting to the root of each situation by contemplating the issue and remaining perfectly “still” in body and mind so we don’t add anything extraneous, only what is arising inside to in-form us from inside through our insight, facing it directly, no analysis, simply see it to its core and let it arise and let it go in source as free energy consciousness without all the reactive unconscious drama.

When we can use the contemplative process and take the issue, no matter what it is, to the very depths of what can be realized from what arises and let it be “as it is” we can possibly get past arenas of resistance in our lives that may have held one hostage in the sub or unconscious realms way too long.

You can sit in a comfortable, straight backed chair, ansa, or seiza, you have to experiment to find what is right for you.   As you sit in contemplative silence, do not let your mind wander, stay on point, focus on what issue you have picked to contemplate, stay honest, don’t resist what is arising, it may not be what your ego/mind wants to hear,  it may be what brings the aha moment of a major breakthrough insight.

Whatever is realized, sit with it, don’t run to the minds memory storage and say you have it,  it could take many sittings to bring one to source or being on any one issue.  Once you have reached where you can go no more on the issue, feel the freedom of your beingness, that is what one is using the exploration for, whereas before, from the view of the survival mindset, one may not have even considered looking into the issue.  Bring this beingness into your Aikido practice and your daily life, where you can access and live the freedom that is your Inherent Nature.  Thank you, Will Gable

Posted by on November 21st, 2021 No Comments

Stillness is an Expression of the Eternal

If we are not able to come to an Absolute Stillness of our Being, we can be kept in the hypnosis of relative nature and all of its distractions and fascination that keep one from transcending the world of movement.  Running our lives from the automaticity of just the conditioning of our existence here in the realms of societal, parental, philosophical and religion keeps us in an unconscious attempt to survive, but not truly consciously exist.

I have written previous articles on this site involving this issue, Silence Stillness but now I need to further the imperative that Stillness is a necessity if one is to realize their true nature because all of the above realms of conditioning consume your awareness and consciousness because they are lived in such a robotic, mechanical and habitual way.

Allowing Stillness to bring forth these words is the only way for me to basically get out of the way for the Eternal to even have any chance to bring any Truth to the world, otherwise, the writing here is just rewriting what has already been written.

Listening to the silence of the stillness, one has to be aware of the moment to moment flow of our connection to an open ended potential dialogue which can only be accessed if one is living in the present which is the Presence which is our connection to the true here and now.  If we are locked into the intellect and gathering information we are not staying open to the flow of connection of Presence, we are only attempting to put together diverse information trying to make it all make sense in some consensual, collective and self affirmative approach.

This tends to satisfy the intellect in that it determines that all has been brought together with its conceptual finalization and nothing further needs to be added or discussed.  Nothing really wrong with this other than it has now put existence in a box of limited words and meanings, obviously, there have been many attempts to tie the all in all into a tight viewpoint of contraction and now nothing further is to be discovered.

From this vantage point of attention we need to concede to the unknown in that from that disposition of discovery, we can step beyond the limitations of concepts, beliefs and history to the realm of allowing what we think is a weakness of not knowing something to the realm of considering what can be created from starting to be open to the realm beyond our limited conditioning and knowledge.

How could anything genuinely novel be created from the realm of the known, all we can possibly do is potentially modify something that is already in the creative sphere.  Letting go into the stillness of existence and transcending the form world is our only way of venturing into the formless and trusting in what we are not in a habit or routine of our everyday experiential involvement.  Allowing the unknown to expose itself because before moving beyond it, we are obstructing its revealing by our habitual life.

Our habitual lives of running down the rabbit hole of redundancy and not being aware of our unconscious tendency to live that way, whatever way that is, shows that we are resisting the possible openendedness that  could be the open door to new realms of discovery and creation that allow enlightened change not only in our lives but the world stage.

By sinking deeply into the Stillness of Being we can allow the Eternal to open a purely authentic dialogue, although it is not necessarily a verbal one, but a knowing one based in the unknown which is now an original connection with Pure Spiritual Isness.  This is our origin as it is based in our view of Infinity.  Not trying to define and control our existence but to open ourselves to our true vastness in that we have allowed ourselves to get out of our own way to be touched by Oneness even though life doesn’t seem to look that way.

Eternal Oneness which is beyond the ego mind and encompasses totality allows us to see the transparency of the world which frees us from the illusion again of being entranced by the world of FORM or the seemingly solidity of what is really an energetic expression that is vibrating at its own frequency which we are able to translate through our brains ability to convert it into mostly a usable concept which doesn’t always grant understanding.

What I am pointing to is to be able to see through the world scene with insight from the realm of CLARITY, not being obscured by established models of knowledge but by directly penetrating what is the Truth, not just in conceptual realms, but in your everyday experiential existence, I have discussed this in general in Unbounded Consciousness, Now Presence, and several other essays.

It seems until you can come to the Present and be able to stay there consistently, the mind get pulled away by the next distraction in the environment, whether internal or external and cannot live in the Presence.  Once Presence becomes your default we can say, then the world of distraction no longer has your ATTENTION, you have reached an enabled FOCUS so that no matter what arises, you can LET IT GO considering it is only an energetic arising and not something to be attached to so that it takes your ATTENTION down some random trail out of your past or something that seems to be a possible future.

This is why you need to have deeply examined and become aware of your life stream and its conditional components from your experiences, values and beliefs  and see how they have you entranced in their importance so that you cling to them and can’t see through and beyond them.  LETTING IT GO, no matter what is arising keeps us from solidifying whatever has arisen so that it doesn’t distract ATTENTION and tends to become solid in our mind.

My example I give to my Aikido students is be like the LIGHTHOUSE, no matter what assault seems to be coming against it, wind, water, storms,  the LIGHT seems to always be shining in an omni directional way, which if you will use it as a metaphor is you BEING awake from the realm of ATTENTION, AWARENESS AND CONSCIOUSNESS which allows you to transcend the world even while living in it and be free from it.

Sincerely, Will Gable


Posted by on October 10th, 2021 No Comments